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Six Gram-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming, non-pigmented, oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterial strains were deposited in 1972, in the Collection of the Institut Pasteur (CIP), Paris, France. The strains, previously identified as members of the genus on the basis of their phenotypic and biochemical characteristics, were placed within the genus based on the results from omparative 16S rRNA gene sequence studies. Their closest phylogenetic relatives were CIP 110993, CIP 82.27 and CIP 110018. The DNA G+C contents were between 42.1 and 42.7 mol%. The predominant fatty acids were Cω9, C, C 3-OH, and C. Average nucleotide identity between the six strains and their closest phylogenetic relatives, as well as their phenotypic characteristics, supported the assignment of these strains to two novel species within the genus . The proposed names for these strains are sp. nov., for which the type strain is A1019 (=CIP 110853=CECT 9184), and sp. nov., for which the type strain is 1232 (=CIP110854=CECT 9185).


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