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The taxonomic positions of JCM 15926, DSM 18319 and JCM 15132 were re-examined. Phylogenetic analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities revealed that all three strains are closely related with each other and form a monophyletic cluster with high sequence similarity (99.2 –99.9 %). A dendrogram constructed based on the protein spectra generated by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy also displayed close clustering of these three strains. The fatty acid profiles of three strains were very similar to each other and contained branched fatty acids (anteiso-C, anteiso-C and iso-C) as the predominant cellular fatty acids. The polar lipid profiles of the three stains were similar and consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine as major polar lipids and an unknown lipid. Comparisons of morphological, chemotaxonomic and physiological data of JCM 15926, JCM 15132 and DSM 18319 are in agreement with the features of a common genus. DNA–DNA hybridization data generated during this study showed less than 70 % reassociation value with each other indicating that they are different at species level. Based on the present study, we conclude that DSM 18319 and JCM 15132 should be reclassified under the genus , since this genus has the nomenclatural priority, and reclassified as comb. nov. (type strain SSWW-21=DSM 18319=KCTC 19185=JCM 30550) and comb. nov. (type strain PON10=LMG 24222=JCM 15132=MTCC9128). An emended description of the genus is also presented.


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