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A Gram-stain-positive, lactic acid-producing bacterium designed strain MK21-7, was isolated from tree bark collected from the north east of Thailand. This strain was a facultatively anaerobic spore-forming rod that was catalase-negative. It contained -diaminopimelic acid in the cell wall peptidoglycan and had seven isoprene units (MK-7) as the predominant menaquinone. Major fatty acids of MK21-7 were anteiso-C, iso-C, anteiso-C and Cω9. Polar lipids were phosphatidglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, an unknown phospholipid, three unknown glycolipids and an unknown lipid. The results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that it represented a member of the genus . MK21-7 showed the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to NBRC 101527 with 98.4 % similarity and exhibited 97.6 % similarity with NRIC 0334, 97.5 % with NRIC 0361, 97.3 % with subsp. NRIC 0347 and 97.1 % with subsp. NBRC 101524. Analysis of the phylogenetic relationship based on 16S rRNA and gene sequencing revealed that the position of MK21-7 was clearly separated from all related species of the genus . It had low DNA–DNA relatedness (22.8–57.2 %) with NBRC 101527 and related type strains. The DNA G+C content was 43.1 mol%. On the basis of the results of the phenotypic, genotypic and chemotaxonomic studies, MK21-7 should be classified as representing a novel species of the genus for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is MK21-7 (=NBRC 111517=LMG 29111=TISTR 2466).


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