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An obligately piezophilic strain was isolated from an amphipod crustacean obtained in the Challenger Deep region of the Mariana Trench during the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition. The strain, MTCD1, grew at extremely high hydrostatic pressures, with a growth range of 80–140 MPa (optimum, 120 MPa) at 6 °C. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicate that it is closely affiliated with the genus . Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses revealed 95.7, 95.5 and 95.2 % similarity to ABE-1, Y233G and ATCC 27364, respectively. The major cellular fatty acids were C, C and C (docosahexaenoic acid), and the sole isoprenoid quinone produced was ubiqinone-8. DNA G+C content was 48.6 mol%. The strain was positive for oxidase and catalase activities. Based on the results from this study, strain MTCD1 is a novel Gram-negative species of the genus , and the name sp. nov. (type strain MTCD1=ATCC TSD-5=JCM 30270) is proposed. It is the most piezophilic organism yet described.


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