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A ginsenoside-transforming bacterium, designated Gsoil 1550, was isolated from soil of a ginseng field and subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic analysis. Colonies of strain Gsoil 1550 were yellow, of low convexity and with regular margin. Cells were long rods, 0.5–1.2 µm wide and 1.6–3 µm long. The isolate grew at 10–37 °C and at pH 5–9 on R2A agar medium; maximum growth occurred at 30 °C and pH 6–7. Phylogenetic study based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence positioned Gsoil 1550 in a distinct lineage in the family , sharing 92.5–92.8 % sequence similarity with members of the closely related genera , , and . Strain Gsoil 1550 contained menaquinone MK-7 as the predominant quinone, and iso-C, iso-C 3-OH, C and iso-C G as major fatty acids. The DNA G+C content was 44.6 mol%. Strain Gsoil 1550 could be distinguished from other members of the family by a number of chemotaxonomic and phenotypic characteristics. The major polar lipid of strain Gsoil 1550 was phosphatidylethanolamine. Based on this polyphasic taxonomic analysis, strain Gsoil 1150 represents a novel species within a new genus, for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is Gsoil 1550 (=KCTC 12658=JCM 31452).


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