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Three novel isolates belonging to the genus , designated JR-35, JR-46 and WH-9, were isolated from bamboo forest soil in Damyang, Korea. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains JR-35 and JR-46 showed highest similarities with NBRC 3178 (99.1 %), KC-038 (98.9 %), NBRC 12753 (98.9 %), NRRL ISP-5133 (98.9 %) and JCM 4627 (98.8 %), and strain WH-9showed highest sequence similarities with JCM 4627 (99.2 %), NRRL ISP-5182 (99.2 %), NBRC 12738 (99.2 %), JCM 4757 (99.1 %) and NBRC 12904 (99.1 %). The predominant menaquinones were MK-9 (H) and MK-9 (H). The major fatty acids were anteiso-C, iso-C, iso-C and iso-C for strains JR-35 and JR-46 and anteiso-C, iso-C and iso-C for strain WH-9. The G+C content of the genomic DNA of strains JR-35, JR-46 and WH-9 were 69.4, 74.4 and 74.1 mol%, respectively. Based on the phenotypic and genotypic data, the three strains are assigned to two novel species of the genus , for which the names sp. nov. (type stain JR-35=KACC 17181=NBRC 109807) and sp. nov. (type strain WH-9=KACC 17197=NBRC 109810) are proposed.


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