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A novel Gram-stain-negative bacterium, named strain NSCS20N07DT, was isolated from surface seawater of the South China Sea. Cells of this strain contained poly-β-hydroxybutyrate granules. Growth was observed at 15–35 °C with optimum of 30 °C, at a salinity range of 1–6 % (w/v) NaCl with optimum of 3 % and at pH 5–8 with optimum of pH 5. The full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain NSCS20N07DT showed highest similarity to Photobacterium iliopiscarium ATCC 51760T of 96.0 %, followed by Photobacterium kishitanii pjapo.1.1T, Photobacterium phosphoreum ATCC 11040T and Photobacterium aquimaris LC2-065T of 96.0, 95.8 and 95.7 %, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed that strain NSCS20N07DT formed a separate clade distinct from species of the genus Photobacterium and other genera within the family Vibrionaceae , indicating that strain NSCS20N07DT represented a novel genus affiliated with this family. The genome size of strain NSCS20N07DT was 2.5 Mb, which was much smaller than those of related species in the family Vibrionaceae . The predominant fatty acids were C16 : 0, C17 : 0 cyclo, C19 : 0 cyclo ω8c, C18 : 0 and summed feature 2 (C14 : 0 3-OH/iso-C16 : 1 I). The respiratory quinone was Q-8. The polar lipids were identified as phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and four unidentified lipids. The DNA G+C content was 30.7 mol%. Combined, these results suggest that strain NSCS20N07DT represents a novel species of a new genus, for which the name Paraphotobacterium marinum gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Paraphotobacterium marinum is NSCS20N07DT (=KCTC 52126T=MCCC 1A01886T=CIP 111031T).
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