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Rhizobial strains from root nodules of and soybean () were characterized phylogenetically as members of the genus (formerly named ), based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons. Results based upon concatenated sequence analysis of three housekeeping genes (, and , ≤ 93.8 % similarities to known species) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) values of whole genome sequence comparisons (ranging from 89.6 % to 83.4 % to and , respectively) indicated the distinct positions of these novel strains within the genus . Phylogeny of symbiotic genes ( and ) of three novel strains clustered them with rhizobial species and , both isolated from nodules of Cross-nodulation tests showed that the representative strain CCBAU 23380 could form root nodules with nitrogen fixation capability on ,, and, but failed to nodulate , its original host legume. Strain CCBAU 23380 formed inefficient nodules on , and it did not contain 18 : 0, 18 : 17 11-methyl or summed feature 1 fatty acids, which differed from other related strains. Failure to utilize malonic acid as a carbon source distinguished strain CCBAU 23380 from the type strains of related species. The genome size of CCBAU 23380 was 6.0 Mbp, comprising 5624 predicted genes with DNA G+C content of 62.4 mol%. Based on the results above, a novel species, sp. nov., is proposed, with CCBAU 23380 (=LMG 29231 =HAMBI 3645) as the type strain.


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