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Three bacterial strains, HKU51, HKU52 and HKU53, were isolated from a conjunctival swab, corneal scraping and blood culture of three patients in Hong Kong with conjunctivitis, keratitis and catheter-related bacteraemia, respectively. Cells were Gram-stain-positive, aerobic, catalase-positive, non-sporulating and non-motile bacilli. The three strains had unique biochemical profiles that were distinguishable from those of closely related species of the genus . Fatty acids, mycolic acids, cell-wall sugars and peptidoglycan analyses showed that they were typical of members of . 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed 100 % sequence identity between HKU52 and HKU53, and the two strains shared 99.5 % sequence identity with JCM 15929 and JCM 13375; HKU51 shared 99.6 % sequence identity with CCUG 35732. The DNA G+C contents of strains HKU51, HKU52 and HKU53 were 70.9 ± 2.2, 71.3 ± 2.1 and 71.2 ± 2.3 mol% (mean ± ;  = 3), respectively. DNA–DNA hybridization confirmed that the novel strains were distinct from other known species of the genus ( ≤ 50.1 ± 3.7 % DNA–DNA relatedness); two of the isolates, HKU52 and HKU53, represented the same species ( ≥ 94.6 ± 5.6 % DNA–DNA relatedness), while the third isolate, HKU51, represented another species. The novel species sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate strains HKU52 and HKU53, with HKU52 ( = JCM 30715 = DSM 100208) as the type strain; whilst another novel species, sp. nov., is proposed to accommodate the third isolate, HKU51 ( = JCM 30714 = DSM 100207), which is designated the type strain.


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