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A Gram-stain-negative, aerobic bacterium, designated strain GYP-11, was isolated from the culture broth of a marine microalga, sp. 122. Cells were dimorphic rods; free living cells were motile by means of a single polar flagellum, and star-shaped-aggregate-forming cells were attached with stalks and non-motile. Sodium pyruvate or Tween 20 was required for growth on marine agar 2216.16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that this isolate shared 94.07 % similarity with its closest type strain, EPR92. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that strain GYP-11 represents a distinct lineage in a robust clade consisting of strain GYP-11, alphaproteobacterium GMD21A06 and Phaeomarinobacter ectocarpi Ec32. This clade was close to the genera and in the order . Chemotaxonomic and physiological characteristics, including cellular fatty acids and carbon source profiles, also readily distinguished strain GYP-11 from all established genera and species. Thus, it is concluded that strain GYP-11 represents a novel species of a new genus in the order , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is GYP-11 ( = CGMCC 1.15125 = KCTC 42509).


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