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Short, Gram-negative-staining, rod-shaped bacteria were isolated from crushed bodies of Russian wheat aphid [ (Kurdjumov)] and artificial diets after Russian wheat aphid feeding. Based on multilocus sequence analysis involving the 16S rRNA, , , and genes, these bacterial isolates constitute a novel clade in the genus , and were most closely related to . Representative distinct strains within this clade were used for comparisons with related species of . Phenotypic comparisons using four distinct strains and average nucleotide identity (ANI) measurements using two distinct draft genomes revealed that these strains form a novel species within the genus . The name sp. nov. is proposed, and strain B120 ( = CFBP 8182 = NCCB 100485) was designated the type strain. sp. nov. was not pathogenic to plants. However, virulence to the Russian wheat aphid was observed.

This study was supported by the:
  • Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (Award 2010-34205-21350)
  • United States Department of Agriculture

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