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A novel Gram-negative, aerobic, motile, short rod-shaped bacterium, designated J64, was isolated from black sand collected from Soesoggak, Jeju Island, Korea. Cells grew at 4–37 °C, at pH 5.5–10.0 and with 0–10 % NaCl. The strain was found to be oxidase- and catalase-positive. Phylogenetic analyses showed that strain J64 belongs to the genus , forming a monophyletic group with , and ‘’. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strain J64 and type strains of all species with validly published names was below 96.6 %. Low levels of DNA–DNA relatedness were found with respect to type strains of and , supporting the classification of strain J64 within a novel species of the genus . Strain J64 contained C 7 (37.2 %), C (20.4 %), summed feature 3 (17.4 %; comprising iso-C 2-OH and/or C 7) and C (7.6 %) as major cellular fatty acids. On the basis of the phenotypic and phylogenetic data, strain J64 represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is J64 (=KCTC 22137 =JCM 14963).


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