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A Gram-positive, small coccus-shaped lactic acid bacterium, strain LMG 23999, was isolated from Argentinean wheat flour. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the phylogenetic position of the novel strain was within the genus , with and as its closest relatives (97.7, 97.3 and 96.9 % gene sequence similarity, respectively). Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting of whole genomes and whole-cell protein electrophoresis confirmed the unique taxonomic status of the novel strain. DNA–DNA hybridizations, DNA G+C content determination, comparative sequence analysis of the , and genes and physiological and biochemical characterization demonstrated that strain LMG 23999 (=CCUG 54535=CRL 776) represents a novel species for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. Multi-locus sequence analysis based on , and genes was found to be a suitable method for the identification of species of the genus .


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Genomes used for the design of primers rpoA-21-F* and rpoA-23-R*. [ PDF] 41 KB


Cluster analysis of whole-cell protein profiles and dendrogram derived from UPGMA linkage of correlation coefficients of sp. nov. LMG 23999 and representatives of its closest phylogenetic neighbours. [ PDF] 45 KB


Phylogenetic trees based on neighbour-joining method using (a), (b) and (c) gene sequences of strains and type strains of all species belonging to the group. [ PDF] 66 KB

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