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Two novel species were isolated from the sediment adjacent to sperm whale carcasses off Kagoshima, Japan, at a depth of about 230 m. The isolated strains, JAMM 1866, JAMM 1548 and JAMM 1525, were Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming and motile by means of a single polar or bipolar flagellum. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains JAMM 1866 and JAMM 1548 indicated a relationship to the symbiotic bacterial clone R21 of (100 % sequence similarity) and all three isolates were closely related to (97.7–97.8 % similarity) within the class . The novel isolates were able to produce isoprenoid quinone Q-8 as the major component. The predominant fatty acids were C, C and C, with C 3-OH present in smaller amounts. The DNA G+C contents of the three isolated strains were about 47 mol%. Based on differences in taxonomic characteristics, the three isolated strains represent two novel species of the genus for which the names sp. nov. (type strain JAMM 1866=JCM 14782=ATCC BAA-1530; reference strain JAMM 1548) and sp. nov. (type strain JAMM 1525=JCM 14781=ATCC BAA-1529) are proposed.


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vol. , part 12, pp. 2815 - 2820

Transmission electron micrographs of negatively stained cells of the two novel species. [ PDF] 289 KB

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