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A Gram-positive, moderately halophilic, moderately thermophilic, endospore-forming, catalase- and oxidase-positive, obligately aerobic bacterium, strain YIM-C55.5, was isolated from saline soil in the Qaidam Basin, north-west China. Cells were slender rods, motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Filamentous forms were present throughout the growth cycle. Strain YIM-C55.5 was able to grow in the presence of 7–30 % (w/v) NaCl and at pH 6.0–9.0, with optimum growth at 15 % (w/v) NaCl and pH 7.0. It was able to grow at 28–60 °C, with optimum growth at 45–50 °C. -Diaminopimelic acid was present in the cell-wall peptidoglycan. The major cellular fatty acids were iso-C, C, anteiso-C, anteiso-C and C. Strain YIM-C55.5 possessed menaquinone 7 (MK-7) as the predominant respiratory quinone and diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol as polar lipids. The genomic DNA G+C content was 42.3 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain YIM-C55.5 belonged to the family and was related most closely to members of the genus , but with low levels of similarity to the type strains of recognized species of the genus ( XH-63, 95.1 %; T-16X, 94.0 %; DD1, 93.7 %; NN, 93.5 %). Together with phenotypic data, these results suggest that strain YIM-C55.5 represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIM-C55.5 (=DSM 17856 =CGMCC 1.6303).


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