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Three methanol-utilizing yeast strains were isolated from basidiocarps of sp. collected from a tree trunk in Mangshan Mountain, Hunan Province, southern China. These strains formed hat-shaped ascospores in unconjugated and deliquescent asci. Sequence analysis of the large-subunit rRNA gene D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, electrophoretic karyotype comparison and phenotypic characterization demonstrated that the three strains represent a novel species of the genus , which is described as sp. nov. (type strain SHS 2.1 =CGMCC AS 2.3435 =CBS 10646). Phylogenetically, the novel species was closely related to and . The latter two taxa with similar D1/D2 sequences were confirmed to represent separate species by ITS sequence and electrophoretic karyotype comparisons.


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