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Two strains of phototrophic, purple non-sulfur bacteria capable of growing at low temperatures (5 °C) were isolated from the Himalayas. The two strains showed positive phototaxis and grew over a relatively wide temperature range (5–40 °C). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain JA194T clustered with members of the genus Rhodobacter. Strain JA194T showed highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158T (99 %). However, DNA–DNA hybridization experiments between Rba. sphaeroides DSM 158T and strain JA194T revealed a level of relatedness of only 67 %. The DNA base composition of strain JA194T was 66.67 mol% G+C (by HPLC). Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, morphological, physiological, Fourier transform infrared fingerprinting and DNA–DNA hybridization studies, strain JA194T (=KCTC 5602T =JCM 14598T) is sufficiently different from other Rhodobacter species to merit its description as the type strain of a novel species, for which the name Rhodobacter megalophilus sp. nov. is proposed.
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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology vol. 58 , part 8, pp. 1792 - 1796
Supplementary Fig. S1. Phase-contrast micrographs of cells of strain JA194 Tand Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158 T.
Supplementary Fig. S2. FT-IR fingerprinting of strain JA194 Tand Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 158 T.
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