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[] is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause infections in neonates. This study further clarifies the taxonomy of isolates described as [] and completes the formal description of the proposed reclassification of these organisms as novel species and subspecies within a proposed novel genus, gen. nov. [] was first defined in 1980, however recent polyphasic taxonomic analysis has determined that this group of organisms consists of several genomospecies. In this study, the phenotypic descriptions of the proposed novel species are expanded using Biotype 100 and Biolog Phenotype MicroArray data. Further DNA–DNA hybridization experiments showed that malonate-positive strains within the [] genomospecies represent a distinct species, not a subspecies. DNA–DNA hybridizations also determined that phenotypically different strains within the proposed species, sp. nov., belong to the same species and can be considered as novel subspecies. Based on these analyses, the following alternative classifications are proposed: gen. nov., comb. nov. [type strain ATCC 29544 (=NCTC 11467)]; sp. nov. [type strain CDC 1058-77 (=LMG 23826=DSM 18702)]; sp. nov. [type strain z3032 (=LMG 23827=DSM 18703)]; sp. nov. [type strain ATCC 51329 (=CIP 103581)]; sp. nov. [type strain DES187 (=LMG 23823=DSM 18705)]; subsp. subsp. nov. [type strain DES187 (=LMG 23823=DSM 18705)]; subsp. subsp. nov. [type strain E515 (=LMG 23824=DSM 18706)], and subsp. subsp. nov. [type strain E464 (=LMG 23825=DSM 18707)].


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