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A Gram-positive, aerobic strain, designated MSL-05, was isolated from a soil sample collected from Bigeum Island, Korea, and its taxonomic position was investigated using a polyphasic approach. Cells of the novel strain were coccoid and occurred singly. The novel strain grew over a wide range of NaCl concentrations (0–7 %, w/v). The optimum growth temperature and pH were 28 °C and 7.2, respectively. Chemotaxonomic characteristics [peptidoglycan type, -diaminopimelic acid; major menaquinone, MK-8(H); predominant fatty acids, i-C, ai-C, C and i-C; DNA G+C content of 72.9 mol%] placed this organism within the genus . 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis confirmed this classification, but showed that the novel strain was distinct from its nearest neighbours. Strain MSL-05 was found in the same clade as the type strains of species of the genus and also shared low gene sequence similarity with JCM 13812 (96.91 %) and DSM 12652 (95.39 %). Based on the results of phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses, it is proposed that the new isolate should be classified as a novel species in the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is MSL-05 (=KCTC 19287=DSM 19426).


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