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The taxonomic positions of 22 spore-forming, extensively branched actinobacteria isolated from Pinus soils were examined using a polyphasic approach. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that all of the isolates fell into three distinctive phylogenetic clusters within the genus Streptacidiphilus of the family Streptomycetaceae, and also that Streptacidiphilus jiangxiensis was the species closest to the three phyloclusters, with 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities ranging from 98.0 to 99.2 %. However, the low DNA–DNA relatedness values between representatives of the three clusters and S. jiangxiensis clearly differentiated them from one another. Representative isolates were also found to have chemotaxonomic features typical of the genus Streptacidiphilus and were distinguishable from all established species of Streptacidiphilus on the basis of a combination of phenotypic properties. It is evident from this study that each of the three phyloclusters should be equated with three novel Streptacidiphilus species, for which the following names are proposed: Streptacidiphilus anmyonensis sp. nov. (type strain AM11T =NBRC 103185T =KCTC 19278T), Streptacidiphilus rugosus sp. nov. (type strain AM16T =NBRC 103186T =KCTC 19279T) and Streptacidiphilus melanogenes sp. nov. (type strain SB-B34T =NBRC 103184T =KCTC 19280T).
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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology vol. 58 , part 7, pp. 1566 - 1570
Supplementary Table S1. Whole-cell fatty acid profiles of strains AM-11 T, AM-16 Tand SB-B34 Tand type strains of Streptacidiphilus species with validly published names
Supplementary Fig. S1. Extended neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree, based on almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequences, showing the relationships between all 22 novel isolates and representatives of the genus Streptacidiphilus .
[PDF file of Supplementary Table S1 and Fig. S1](63 KB)