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Three Gram-negative, non-pigmented, rod-shaped, facultatively aerobic bacterial strains, designated d8-1, d8-2 and IMCC1716, were isolated from a freshwater spring sample and a eutrophic freshwater pond. Based on characterization using a polyphasic approach, the three strains showed highly similar phenotypic, physiological and genetic characteristics. All of the strains harboured the nitrogenase gene , but nitrogen-fixing activities could not be detected in nitrogen-free culture media. The three strains shared 99.6–99.7 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity and showed 89–100 % DNA–DNA relatedness, suggesting that they represent a single genomic species. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strains d8-1, d8-2 and IMCC1716 formed a monophyletic branch in the periphery of the evolutionary radiation occupied by the genus . Their closest neighbours were Slu-05 (96.7–96.8 % similarity) and BS5-8 (96.3–96.6 %). The DNA–DNA relatedness of the novel strains to these two species of the genus was less than 70 %. The isolates could also be differentiated from recognized members of the genus on the basis of phenotypic and biochemical characteristics. It is evident, therefore, that the three strains represent a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is d8-1 (=LMG 24005=BCRC 17657).


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vol. , part 4, pp. 946 - 951

gene sequence-based phylogenetic tree generated by using the neighbour-joining method, showing the relationships between strains d8-1 , d8-2, IMCC 1716 and other nitrogen fixing bacteria.

Electron micrograph of cells of strain d8-1 .

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