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The taxonomic status of six strains received as was established using a polyphasic approach. The organisms had phenotypic and morphological properties consistent with their classification in the genus . Almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the strains were determined and aligned with corresponding sequences of representatives of the genus and phylogenetic trees were inferred using four tree-making algorithms. All of the strains fell within the 16S rRNA gene clade and four of them were considered to merit species status using a combination of genotypic and phenotypic data. These organisms were designated sp. nov. (type strain ATCC 53653=DSM 41914), sp. nov. (type strain NRRL B-1346=DSM 40771), sp. nov. (type strain NRRL 5491=ATCC 29253) and sp. nov. (type strain ISP 5276=DSM 40276). DNA–DNA relatedness and phenotypic data showed that the two remaining strains, ‘ subsp. ’ NRRL 3664 and subsp. NRRL 3111 belong to the same species as the type strain of subsp. . This taxon is designated sp. nov., comb. nov. (type strain ATCC 15191=DSM 40830) following the proposal that subsp. is a heterotypic synonym of .


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