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Three strains of aerobic Gram-negative bacilli, two isolated from industrial water and freshwater (strains CCUG 48205 and CCUG 52220) and the third from soil (strain CCUG 52222), were analysed phenotypically and genotypically to clarify their taxonomic classification. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the three strains were located on the same phylogenetic branch, closely related to , the only recognized species in the genus. DNA–DNA hybridization studies, analyses of fatty acid contents, and physiological and biochemical tests supported the proposal of two novel species, sp. nov. (type strain, CCUG 48205=CECT 7248) and sp. nov. (type strain, CCUG 52222=CECT 7247).


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Carbon source utilization (Biolog) by strains of species of the genus . [PDF](70 KB)


DNA-DNA hybridization data. [PDF](13 KB)


16S rRNA gene sequence distance matrix. [PDF](17 KB)

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