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A collection of eight clinical strains from Belgian hospitals and three clinical strains of the CCUG collection were characterized biochemically as being similar to CDC groups II-h and II-c; the latter differs from group II-h only by positivity for sucrose acidification. These 11 strains were found to cluster according to 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity at a level of ≥99.5 %, and on the basis of their tDNA-PCR profile. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, this collection of strains was related most closely to (97.2 %), but they differed from the type strain of this species by the following phenotypic characteristics: growth at 37 °C, negativity for xylose acidification, positivity for acetate assimilation–alkalinization on Simmons’ agar base and absence of flexirubin pigments, and by their tDNA-PCR profile. Strain NF802 showed only 57.8 % DNA–DNA relatedness to the type strain of . Fatty acid composition did not enable differentiation from . The DNA G+C content of strain NF802 is 36.5 mol%. The name sp. nov. is proposed for this taxon, with type strain NF802 (=CCUG 52711=CIP 109415).


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