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Two strains, KBL13 and GBL13, were isolated as one of intestinal lactobacilli from the faecal specimens from different thoroughbreds of the same farm where they were born in Hokkaido, Japan. They were Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, catalase-negative, non-spore-forming and non-motile rods. KBL13 and GBL13 homofermentatively metabolize glucose, and produce lactate as the sole final product from glucose. The 16S rRNA gene sequence, DNA–DNA hybridization, DNA G+C content and biochemical characterization indicated that these two strains, KBL13 and GBL13, belong to the same species. In the representative strain, KBL13, the DNA G+C content was 34.3 mol%. JCM 1231 (=ATCC 11741; AF089108) is the type strain most closely related to the strain KBL13 as shown in the phylogenetic tree, and the 16S rRNA gene sequence identity showed 96.0 % (1425/1484 bp). Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of this strain indicated that the two isolated strains belong to the genus and that they formed a branch distinct from their closest relatives, , , and . DNA–DNA reassociation experiments with and confirmed that KBL13 represents a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is KBL13 (=JCM 14209=DSM 18933).


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