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A novel Gram-positive, aerobic bacterium, strain JH1, was isolated from deep-sea sediment of the East Sea, South Korea, and identified by methods of polyphasic taxonomy. The strain was oxidase-positive, motile and coccus-shaped. The genomic DNA G+C content of strain JH1 was 47 mol%. The major fatty acid of strain JH1 was anteiso-C and the predominant menaquinones were MK-7 and MK-8. Similarity of the 16S rRNA gene sequence (1452 nt) of strain JH1 to those of species of the genera and was 96.0–98.2 %. The signature nucleotides in the 16S rRNA gene sequence were compared with those of previously studied type strains of species in the genera and , and suggested that strain JH1 belongs to the genus . In addition, phylogenetic analysis showed that strain JH1 was located within the cluster comprising and . DNA–DNA hybridization showed that it had 9.3 % genomic relatedness with DSM 14505 and 22.9 % with DSM 20747. On the basis of the phenotypic, phylogenetic and genomic data, a novel species of the genus , sp. nov., is proposed, with type strain JH1 (=KCTC 13050=LMG 23779).


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