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A Gram-positive, yellow-pigmented bacterium, strain KOPRI 21702, was isolated from sea sand on King George Island, Antarctica. Cells were irregular rods with peritrichous flagella; their optimum growth temperature was 23–26 °C. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the Antarctic isolate formed a distinct phyletic line in a clade of the genus and showed highest sequence similarity (97.7 %) to the type strain of . The major isoprenoid quinone, predominant cellular fatty acids and DNA G+C content were consistent with placement of the Antarctic isolate in the genus . Phylogenetic analysis and differences in physiological and biochemical characteristics between strain KOPRI 21702 and the four recognized species indicate that the isolate represents a novel species of this genus. The name sp. nov. (type strain KOPRI 21702 =KCTC 13143 =JCM 14623 =DSM 18966) is proposed for this isolate.


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