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Two coccoid phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria were isolated from marine habitats (marine aquaculture pond near Bheemli, Visakhapatnam and marine tidal waters from a fishing harbour, Kakinada) in a medium that contained 3 % NaCl (w/v). Strains JA132T and JA130T are Gram-negative, motile cocci with a single flagellum. Both have an obligate requirement for NaCl. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes are of the vesicular type. Bacteriochlorophyll a and most probably carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series were present as photosynthetic pigments. Both strains were able to grow photolithoautotrophically and photolithoheterotrophically. Chemotrophic and fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. There is no vitamin requirement for strain JA132T, while strain JA130T requires niacin, biotin and pantothenate as growth factors. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that both strains cluster with species of the genus Thiorhodococcus belonging to the Gammaproteobacteria. The DNA G+C contents of strains JA132T and JA130T were 65.5 and 57.5 mol%, respectively. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, morphological and physiological characteristics, strains JA132T and JA130T are significantly different from each other and from other species of the genus Thiorhodococcus and are recognized as two novel species, for which the names Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus sp. nov. and Thiorhodococcus kakinadensis sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains of T. bheemlicus sp. nov. and T. kakinadensis sp. nov. are JA132T (=MTCC 8120T=ATCC BAA-1362T=JCM 14149T=DSM 18805T) and JA130T (=ATCC BAA-1353T=DSM 18858T=JCM 14150T), respectively.