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A novel thermophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium, designated strain CP.B2, was isolated from a terrestrial hot spring in Waiotapu, New Zealand. Cells were motile, slightly rod-shaped, non-spore-forming and Gram-negative. Isolate CP.B2 was an obligate chemolithotroph, growing by utilizing H as electron donor and O as corresponding electron acceptor. Elemental sulfur (S) or thiosulfate () was essential for growth. Microbial growth occurred under microaerophilic conditions in 1.0–10.0 % (v/v) O [optimum 4–8 % (v/v) O], between 45 and 75 °C (optimum 70 °C) and at pH values of 4.8–5.8 (optimum pH 5.4). The DNA G+C content was 29.3 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis demonstrated that strain CP.B2 belonged to the order , with a close phylogenetic relationship to (94 % sequence similarity to the type strain). However, genotypic and metabolic characteristics differentiated the novel isolate from previously described genera of the . Therefore, CP.B2 represents a novel species in a new genus, for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is CP.B2 (=JCM 14244 =DSM 18763).


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vol. , part 2, pp. 398 - 403

Effect of temperature on the growth of cells of strain CP.B2 . [PDF](18 KB)

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