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An endophytic actinomycete strain, designated YIM 56035, was isolated from the inner tissue of the traditional Chinese medicinal plant . The strain stained Gram-positive, was aerobic and exhibited branching, white aerial mycelium and yellowish-brown substrate mycelium. The strain formed spore chains on aerial hyphae. The GC content of the genomic DNA was 70.3 mol%. On the basis of morphological, physiological, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic characteristics, strain YIM 56035 was assigned to the genus . Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed 98.5, 97.3, 97.3 and 97.1 % similarity to the closely related type strains LM 157, IMSNU 20050, H9 and IMSNU 20111, respectively. The results of DNA–DNA hybridizations and comparison of some phenotypic characteristics revealed that the strain represents a novel species of the genus . The name sp. nov. is proposed, with the type strain YIM 56035 (=DSM 44969 =CCTCC AA 206026 =KCTC 19150).


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vol. , part 3, pp. 559 - 563

Scanning electron micrograph of strain YIM 56035 grown on PYGA medium for 2 weeks at 28 °C. Bar, 5 µm.

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