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Two strictly aerobic, Gram-negative bacteria, designated strains CL-SP27 and B5-6, were isolated from the hypersaline water of a solar saltern in Korea and from the surface water of the Sargasso Sea, respectively. The two strains were rod-shaped, non-motile and grew on marine agar 2216 as beige colonies. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed a clear affiliation of the novel strains to the family . However, the novel strains were only distantly related to members of the clade, forming a distinct lineage. Although the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between strains CL-SP27 and B5-6 was very high (99.6 %), DNA–DNA relatedness between the strains was 48.4 %, suggesting that the strains be categorized as two genospecies. Additionally, the two novel strains could be differentiated by DNA G+C contents, fatty acid profiles, carbon source utilization patterns, antibiotic susceptibilities and biochemical characteristics. Based on taxonomic data obtained in this study, strains CL-SP27 and B5-6 represent separate species within a novel genus of the family , for which the names gen. nov., sp. nov. (type species) and sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains of and are CL-SP27 (=KCCM 42113=JCM 13037) and B5-6 (=KCCM 42336=JCM 14009), respectively.


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