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A psychrophilic bacterium, designated strain HJ039, was isolated from a marine sponge collected in the East Sea of Korea (also known as the Sea of Japan). Cells were Gram-negative, motile and rod-shaped (1.8–3.54 μm×0.27–0.73 μm). Growth was observed between 5 and 26 °C (optimum 15 °C), at pH 5.0–8.5 (optimum pH 6.0–6.5) and in the presence of 0–6.0 % NaCl (optimum 2.0 %). The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain HJ039 showed high levels of similarity (93.7–95.4 %) with members of the genus , especially with TF-27 (95.2 %), S12 (94.9 %), LMG 26268 (94.6 %), P010 (94.6 %), ATCC 51192 (94.5 %) and c931 (94.5 %). However, phylogenetic analysis revealed that strain HJ039 shared a phyletic line with and . The major respiratory quinone was Q-8. The DNA G+C content was 52.8 mol%. The major fatty acids were i-13 : 0 (8.5 %), 15 : 0 (4.2 %), i-15 : 0 (23.2 %), i-15 : 1 (7.9 %), 16 : 0 (8.7 %), 16 : 17 (21.0 %) and 17 : 18 (6.4 %). From this polyphasic taxonomic evidence, strain HJ039 is considered to represent a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is HJ039 (=KCCM 42304=JCM 13830).


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