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A novel thermophilic, moderately halophilic, rod-shaped bacterium, strain MET-B, with a sheath-like outer structure (toga) was isolated from an offshore oil-producing well in Congo, West Africa. Strain MET-B was a Gram-negative bacterium with the ability to reduce elemental sulfur, but not sulfate, thiosulfate or sulfite into sulfide. The optimum growth conditions were 60 °C, pH 6.7–7.2 and 4–6 % NaCl. The DNA G+C content was 34.6 mol%. Strain MET-B was phylogenetically related to members of the genus ; , and were the closest relatives, with type strains exhibiting more than 99 % identity in an analysis of small-subunit rRNA gene sequences. The values for DNA–DNA relatedness between the type strains of these three species and strain MET-B were less than 42 %. As MET-B was found to be genetically and physiologically different from other species of the genus , this strain is proposed as representing a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is MET-B (=DSM 16923=CCUG 50214).


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