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Using molecular and genetic analyses, 28 strains were analysed, isolated from widely different geographical localities in Europe, North America, Far-East Asia and Hawaii. Most of the strains have been assigned to the species . PCR-RAPD revealed two Japanese strains (UCD 67-278 and IFO 10138) to have peculiar patterns. Comparative rDNA (D1/D2 26S, ITS1 and ITS2) sequence analysis showed that the two strains respectively represent a novel species and a novel variety. Based on the results of sequence analysis, genetic hybridization and DNA–DNA reassociation, two new members of the genus are formally described, sp. nov. (type strain UCD 67-278=CBS 9167) and var. var. nov. (type strain IFO 10138=CBS 9168). These results show that has a worldwide distribution, while the species is represented only by the type culture CBS 2555, isolated in Indonesia. Cluster analysis revealed a correlation between PCR-RAPD fingerprints and geographical origin of the strains. Despite this molecular differentiation, strains collected in different regions of the world formed predominantly fertile hybrids, with normal recombination of control markers.


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