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A facultatively chemolithoautotrophic, Gram-negative, aerobic, highly curved rod-shaped, non-motile, non-spore-forming bacterium, strain Jip08, was isolated from rice straw in Daejeon, South Korea. Strain Jip08 produced colourless colonies (1.0–1.5 mm) on R2A medium after 3 days. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strain Jip08 was shown to belong to the -2 subclass of the , and was most closely related to IAM 12100 (98.6 %), DSM 5895 (98.1 %), NCIMB 1785 (98.0 %), ATCC 25396 (96.6 %) and DM13 (95.8 %), all of which belong to the family . The genomic DNA G+C content of strain Jip08 was 69 mol%. Chemotaxonomic data [major ubiquinone, Q-10; major fatty acids, C isomer (summed feature of C 7/9/12), C cyclo 8 and C], 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses and some morphological and physiological features supported the affiliation of strain Jip08 to the genus . However, DNA–DNA hybridization data and some phenotypic properties showed that strain Jip08 could be distinguished from the single known species and represented a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is Jip08 (=KCTC 12212=NBRC 100963=IAM 15215).


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