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Three thermophilic, anaerobic, strictly chemolithoautotrophic, sulphur- and/or thiosulphate-reducing bacteria, designated SL17, SL19 and SL22, were isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal samples collected at 13 °N (East Pacific Rise), Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) and 23 °N (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), respectively. These strains differed in their morphology, temperature range and optimum for growth, energy substrates and 16S rRNA gene sequences. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 41 mol% (SL22), 42 mol% (SL17) and 46 mol% (SL19). Comparative analysis of phenotypic and phylogenetic traits indicated that strains SL17 and SL22 represented two novel species of the genus and that strain SL19 should be considered as a novel species of the genus . The names sp. nov. (type strain SL17=DSM 15522=JCM 12127), sp. nov. (type strain SL22=DSM 15668=JCM 12129) and sp. nov. (type strain SL19=DSM 15521=JCM 12128) are proposed for these organisms. Furthermore, phylogenetic data based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses correlated with the significant phenotypic differences between members of the lineage encompassing the genera , and and that of the families and . It is therefore proposed that this lineage represents a new family, fam. nov., within the order .


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