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Seven unidentified strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming bacteria from spoiled beer or the brewery environment were characterized. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, all strains were affiliated to the sub-branch of the class ‘’. Three of the strains were non-motile cocci, on average 1·5×1·2 μm or 1·2×1·0 μm, occurring mainly singly or in pairs. They shared nearly identical (>99 %) 16S rRNA gene sequences, being most closely related to the species of the group (⩽93·9 % similarity). According to DNA–DNA hybridization results, the coccoid strains represented two genospecies, neither of which was related to any of the recognized species. Several phenotypic characteristics and/or DNA G+C content also differentiated the strains from each other and from their closest relatives. The other four novel strains were motile, slightly curved to helical rods, 0·6−0·8×3−50 μm or more in size. They shared identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and ribofragment patterns. The highest 16S rRNA gene similarity was found between these isolates and ATCC 29359 (95·6 %) and ATCC 33332 (93·6 %). The novel strains also differed from recognized species in their sugar utilization, proteolytic activity, catalase activity, antibiotic resistance and temperature tolerance. The results suggest that the bacteria belong to three novel species, for which the names sp. nov. (type strain VTT E-032341=DSM 16981), sp. nov. (type strain VTT E-97791=DSM 17042) and sp. nov. (type strain VTT E-88329=DSM 16980) are proposed.


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