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A novel species is described on the basis of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Four halophilic organisms were isolated from marine sand and marine macroalgae samples by using high-pH marine agar 2216. An analysis of the nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of these new isolates indicated that they were phylogenetically close (16S rRNA gene sequence similarity >99·5 %, gene sequence similarity >97·8 %), and were most closely related to (16S rRNA gene sequence similarity 97·1–97·3 %, gene sequence similarity 84·4–85·0 %). Chemotaxonomic data (major menaquinone MK7; major fatty acids C and C 9) supported the affiliation of the new isolates to the genus . The results of physiological and biochemical tests allowed phenotypic differentiation of the isolates from . It is therefore proposed that the new isolates represent a novel species with the name sp. nov. and type strain A4D-4 (=MBIC06480=DSM 16917).

Keyword(s): NJ, neighbour-joining

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