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A polyphasic study was undertaken to clarify the taxonomic position of DSM 41386. The distinct 16S rRNA gene sequence phyletic branch formed by this strain was equated with nine related monophyletic clades composed of representatives of the genera classified in the family . The organism produced a PCR product characteristic of this taxon when examined using a set of oligonucleotide primers specific for members of the family . Strain DSM 41386 could also be distinguished from representatives of the nine genera assigned to this family using a combination of chemotaxonomic, morphological and physiological properties. It is evident from the genotypic and phenotypic data that strain DSM 41386 is misclassified in the genus and merits recognition as a monospecific genus within the family . It is proposed that the name gen. nov., comb. nov., nom. rev. be used for this purpose, with the type strain DSM 41386 (=NRRL B-24348).


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