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Bacterial strain PETP02 was isolated from nodules of growing in a Spanish soil. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that this strain represents a member of the genus . However, divergence found with the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the single recognized species of this genus, , indicated that strain PETP02 belongs to a different species. The results of DNA–DNA hybridization, phenotypic tests and fatty acid analyses confirmed that this strain represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is PETP02 (=LMG 22712=CECT 7015). This strain was strictly aerobic and used several carbohydrates as carbon source. It was not able to reduce nitrate. Aesculin hydrolysis was negative. It did not produce urease, arginine dihydrolase, gelatinase or -galactosidase. The DNA G+C content was 56·4 mol%. The gene of this strain showed a sequence closely related to those of strains able to nodulate . Infectivity tests showed that this strain is able to produce nodules in both and .


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