
Unikaryotic enteromonads and diplokaryotic diplomonads have been regarded as closely related protozoan groups. It has been proposed that diplomonads originated within enteromonads in a single event of karyomastigont duplication. This paper presents the first study to address these questions using molecular phylogenetics. The sequences of the small-subunit rRNA genes for three isolates of enteromonads were determined and a tree constructed with available diplomonad, retortamonad and sequences. The diplomonad sequences formed two main groups, with the genus on one side and the genera , and on the other. The three enteromonad sequences formed a clade robustly situated within the diplomonads, a position inconsistent with the original evolutionary proposal. The topology of the tree indicates either that the diplokaryotic cell of diplomonads arose several times independently, or that the monokaryotic cell of enteromonads originated by secondary reduction from the diplokaryotic state.

Keyword(s): SSU, small subunit

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