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Two Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterial strains, CR-502 and CR-14b, which produce surfactant molecules are described. Phenotypic tests and phylogenetic analyses showed these strains to be members of the genus and related to the species , , , and , although they differ from these species in a number of phenotypic characteristics. DNA–DNA hybridization confirmed that they show less than 20 % hybridization with the above-mentioned species and therefore represent a novel species of . The DNA G+C content is 46·4 mol% in strain CR-502 and 46·1 mol% in strain CR-14b. The main fatty acids in strain CR-502 are 15 : 0 anteiso (32·70 %), 15 : 0 iso (29·86 %) and 16 : 0 (13·41 %). The main quinone in strain CR-502 is MK-7 (96·6 %). In the light of the polyphasic evidence gathered in this study, it is proposed that these strains be classified as a novel species of the genus , with the name sp. nov. The type strain (CR-502=CECT 5686=LMG 22478) was isolated from a brackish water sample taken from the river Vélez at Torredelmar in Málaga, southern Spain.


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