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Two novel actinobacteria isolates, designated YIM 70009 and YIM 70081, were characterized in order to determine their taxonomic position. Cells of strains YIM 70009 and YIM 70081 were cocci, although only the latter were motile. The G+C contents of their DNAs were 64·0 and 64·5 mol%, respectively. On the basis of chemotaxonomic characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the two isolates were classified in the genus . DNA–DNA hybridization and comparison of phenotypic characteristics revealed that strains YIM 70009 and YIM 70081 differed from each other and from known species. Therefore, it is proposed that they represent two separate novel species of the genus : sp. nov. (type strain, YIM 70009=CCTCC AA 203007=DSM 15664=KCTC 19011) and sp. nov. (type strain, YIM 70081=CCTCC AA 203010=DSM 15666=KCTC 19013).


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