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Five strains (848T, 93M, 431E, 849T and 869N), which were isolated from bivalve molluscs and were recognized previously by numerical taxonomy as members of an unknown taxon, were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. DNA–DNA hybridization experiments showed that DNA of strain 848T was <70 % similar (27–45 %) to that of the type/reference strains of the current hybridization groups (HGs), but 93 % similar to that of strain 93M. The DNA G+C content of the five strains ranged from 59·0 to 59·4 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis confirmed that the strains belonged to the genus and showed high similarity to . Amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting clustered the novel strains in a homogeneous group with low genotypic relatedness to other species. Useful phenotypic features for differentiating the five isolates from other species include their negative reactions in tests for indole production, lysine decarboxylase, gas from glucose and starch hydrolysis. From the results of this study, the name sp. nov. is proposed for these strains, with the type strain 848T (=CECT 5864=LMG 22214).


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