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The taxonomic positions of seven atypical strains, isolated from artisanal Italian cheeses, were investigated in a polyphasic study. By using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, DNA–DNA hybridization and intergenic transcribed spacer analysis, as well as by examining the phenotypic properties, the novel isolates were shown to constitute a novel enterococcal species. Their closest relatives are and , having a 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of 96·7 %. This group of strains can be easily differentiated from the other species by DNA–DNA hybridization and by their phenotypic characteristics: the strains do not grow in 6·5 % NaCl, and they do not produce acid from -arabinose, melezitose, melibiose, raffinose or ribose. The name sp. nov. is proposed for this species, with strain DSM 15952 (=LMG 22039) as the type strain.


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