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During a search for xylan-degrading micro-organisms, a sporulating bacterium was recovered from xylan-containing agar plates exposed to air in a research laboratory (Salamanca University, Spain). The airborne isolate (designated strain XIL14) was identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing as representing a species most closely related to JCM 9907 (99·3 % sequence similarity) and DSM 3036 (98 % sequence similarity). Phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and DNA–DNA hybridization data indicated that the isolate belongs to a novel species of the genus . Cells of strain XIL14 were motile, sporulating, rod-shaped, Gram-positive and facultatively anaerobic. The predominant cellular fatty acids were anteiso-C and C. The DNA G+C content of strain XIL14 was 50·5 mol%. Growth was observed with many carbohydrates, including xylan, as the only carbon source and gas production was not observed from glucose. Catalase was positive and oxidase was negative. The airborne isolate produced a variety of hydrolytic enzymes, including xylanases, amylases, gelatinase and -galactosidase. DNA–DNA hybridization levels between strain XIL14 and DSM 11733 and DSM 3036 were 43·3 and 36·3 %, respectively. According to the data obtained, strain XIL14 is considered to represent a novel species for which the name sp. nov. is proposed (=LMG 21957=CECT 5839).


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