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The Judicial Commission of the International Committee for Systematics of Prokaryotes rules that the following names should have been included on the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Bøvre 1979), Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939), Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Bøvre 1979) catarrhalis, Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Bøvre 1979) caviae, Moraxella (subgen. Branhamella Bøvre 1979) ovis, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) atlantae, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) bovis, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) lacunata, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) nonliquefaciens, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) osloensis, Moraxella (subgen. Moraxella Lwoff 1939) phenylpyruvica. Proposals to alter Rule 34a were rejected.
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