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A marine bacterial strain, designated FR1330, was isolated from a seawater sample collected near Ganghwa Island, the Republic of Korea. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain FR1330 belonged to the and was related to the genus ; its closest neighbours were the type strains of (97.9 % sequence similarity) and (95.0 %). DNA–DNA relatedness values for strain FR1330 with CC-YY255 and KACC 11391 were 33 and 10 %, respectively. Cells of strain FR1330 were Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped and oxidase- and catalase-positive. The predominant respiratory lipoquinone was ubiquinone-8. The major fatty acids were branched-chain saturated iso-C (26.2 %) and unsaturated iso-C 9 (26.0 %). The DNA G+C content was 67.6 mol%. On the basis of several phenotypic characteristics, strain FR1330 could be differentiated from and . The data obtained from the polyphasic study demonstrated clearly that strain FR1330 represents a novel species of the genus . The name sp. nov. is proposed, with strain FR1330 (=KCTC 12327=JCM 12488=IMSNU 60306) as the type strain.


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Fitch-Margoliash tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. [PDF](20 KB)


Transmission electron micrograph of cells of strain FR1330 ( sp. nov.). [PDF](238 KB)

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