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is a common and well-studied genus of cyanobacteria and, according to molecular phylogeny, is a polyphyletic group. Therefore, revisions of this genus are urged in an attempt to clarify its taxonomy. Novel strains isolated from underexplored environments and assigned morphologically to the genus are not genetically related to the ‘true ’ group. In this study, four strains isolated from biofilms collected in Antarctica and five strains originated from Brazilian mangroves were evaluated. Despite their morphological similarities to other morphotypes of , these nine strains differed from other morphotypes in ecological, physiological and genetic aspects. Based on the phylogeny of the 16S rRNA gene, the Antarctic sequences were grouped together with the sequences of the Brazilian mangrove isolates and sp. Mollenhauer 1 : 1-067 in a well-supported cluster (74 % bootstrap value, maximum-likelihood). This novel cluster was separated phylogenetically from the ‘true ’ clade and from the clades of the morphologically similar genera and . The 16S rRNA gene sequences generated in this study exhibited 96 % similarity to sequences from the nostocacean genera mentioned above. Physiologically, these nine strains showed the capacity to grow in a salinity range of 1–10 % NaCl, indicating their tolerance of saline conditions. These results provide support for the description of a new genus, named gen. nov., which is related morphologically to the genera , and . Within this new genus, three novel species were recognized and described based on morphology and internal transcribed spacer secondary structures: sp. nov., sp. nov. and sp. nov., under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants.

This study was supported by the:
  • State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Award 2004/13910-6)
  • Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) (Award 520194/2006-3 and 490570/2010-0)

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