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A novel Fe(III)-reducing bacterium, designated GSS01, was isolated from a forest soil sample using a liquid medium containing acetate and ferrihydrite as electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively. Cells of strain GSS01 were strictly anaerobic, Gram-stain-negative, motile, non-spore-forming and slightly curved rod-shaped. Growth occurred at 16–40 °C and optimally at 30 °C. The DNA G+C content was 60.9 mol%. The major respiratory quinone was MK-8. The major fatty acids were C, C and Cω7/Cω6. Strain GSS01 was able to grow with ferrihydrite, Fe(III) citrate, Mn(IV), sulfur, nitrate or anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate, but not with fumarate, as sole electron acceptor when acetate was the sole electron donor. The isolate was able to utilize acetate, ethanol, glucose, lactate, butyrate, pyruvate, benzoate, benzaldehyde, -cresol and phenol but not toluene, -cresol, propionate, malate or succinate as sole electron donor when ferrihydrite was the sole electron acceptor. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain GSS01 was most closely related to PCA (98.3 % sequence similarity) and exhibited low similarities (94.9–91.8 %) to the type strains of other species of the genus . The DNA–DNA relatedness between strain GSS01 and PCA was 41.4±1.1 %. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, phenotypic characterization and physiological tests, strain GSS01 is believed to represent a novel species of the genus , and the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is GSS01 ( = KCTC 4545 = MCCC 1K00269).

This study was supported by the:
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 41301257 and 41222006)

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